Thursday, October 22, 2009

Double Schlameel

Mood: Terrified!

This is going to be short and sweet this morning. I don't really need to vent. However, I do need to put out a public notice regarding missing tail lights. When one of your tail lights is out (called a schlameel in my family), you are forgiven. It takes most people a while to realize that this has happened, since, you know, you can't really see your butt (much like how I feel when I'm getting dressed in the morning...WHAT is going on back there?!). When you're missing two tail lights (referred to as a double schlameel), though, you need to get that sh*t handled asap.

I was behind a beat up truck this morning during rush hour traffic, merging (yes, I do it a lot) onto the freeway, and I found myself right up on his butt before realizing that he'd stopped. It took me at least two times of almost rear-ending him to figure out that it wasn't me (of course it's not ME). He didn't have lights to warn me that he was stopping. Oh, is THAT what those are for? I'm just glad I wasn't the one to rear end him and help him figure out why we have tail lights.


  1. I hate it when people have schlameels. I think A.) It makes your car look like WT and 2.) I have minimal focus on the car in front of me because I am so afraid I am going to hit a motorcycle that is splitting lanes!!!

  2. Ugh, Ginny! Seriously! Steph, a post completely devoted to motorcycles and their general douchebagginess is necessary, stat.
