Thursday, April 29, 2010

Miles to Go?

This is a mere follow-up on yesterday's post. Does anyone have any idea as to how long I need to drive in order to make sure that my check engine light doesn't come back on? I've heard 30 miles and 50 miles. I'm sincerely hoping it's the former so I hit it by the end of April...which happens to be tomorrow. Need to get that registration renewed!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On the Up and Up: Converting My Catalyst?

OK, so I've mentioned my special car before, but today is the day that I'm finally getting it fixed. Or at least enough to pass smog testing. In California, you have to have a piece of equipment in your car that cleans the exhaust when it comes out. I'm not entirely sure how this happens or what that means, or why no other states have that, but either way, I'm not allowed to drive on the road legally without a working catalytic converter. of May 1, hopefully I will be driving legally on the road! Hooray! Seriously, one of the biggest problems that I encounter with traffic is the lack of confidence I feel with my car. The windows don't roll down, the locks don't work, the trunk only opens if you try to do one of the previous two tasks, the car open alarm sounds for no apparent reason, the regular anti-theft alarm occasionally sounds for no reason, etc. etc. etc. So, let's start with the lack of current registration (I do have an extension, just so everyone knows that I do NOT drive against the law) and move on from there. Perhaps next we'll try to fix that damn door alarm from going off randomly and then get something shiny and new ;)

On a side note, as I was driving over from work to Wally the Muffler guy, I realized that I think I'm really the only person on the road who watches to see if there's anyone else coming into the lane I'm about to merge into. At least three times in 20 minutes, I checked my blind spot and looked over to see someone in the next lane over getting ready to merge into the spot that I was already motioning into. Why is it only MY responsibility to make sure that we don't bump sides in the middle of the center lane? Shouldn't anyone else have that responsibility too? Yesterday it happened with this lady on the way home from work and she moved her ginormous SUV into the spot that I was going to take whilst locking eye contact with me, as if to say 'oh, you didn't think you got to have this spot, did you? I had my people reserve it for me.' Oh get over yourself. We all have to share the road!

Oh well, I'll just be happy that we had zero collisions...from front, behind, or the side! Safe travels!

Friday, April 16, 2010

What's With That?!

On "The Show" this morning, they were doing a skit called "What's with that?" Several callers made notes that I thought should be mentioned here.
1. When people start slowly rolling through the intersection instead of coming to a complete stop at a stop light...what's with that?
2. When a F1 truck that COULD be going mock 3 is instead traveling 10MPH under the speed limit...what's with that?
And here's my contribution:
3. When someone sees that you need to get over before you take an exit that you don't WANT to take because they just don't feel like slowing down for you to get over onto the "through" lane...what's with that?

Care to take a shot?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid.

I love the title of this article: "Rain Wreaks Havoc on Morning Commute." It sounds like Godzilla or something has taken over the San Diego freeways, swiping at cars left and right. Other highlights of this fabulous example of serious journalism include:
  • Due to "rain-soaked highways and freeways," 178 crashes occurred throughout the county BEFORE 11a.m. Monday morning. (PS. what's the difference between a highway and a freeway?)
  • "When the current storm moves out, it will be replaced by night..." Glad we got that cleared up.
  • Early-morning clouds will follow due to a "strong marine layer." People of San Diego: it's called FOG!

Hope everyone survived the horrifying RAIN STORM and made it through the night and strong marine layer. I don't know about you, but it was a close one for me! ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Morning Talk Show Saviors

On my way home from work today for lunch, I found myself searching for my usual companions on my daily commute--"The Show" with rock 105.3 FM--instead of jamming to the music. I'm not claiming that this is the best talk radio nor is it the best radio station. However, what I AM saying is that I realized on my way home today that I'd rather listen to a group of people (who I've never met) talk about their days (that I didn't live) than listen to music (in which I can participate).

And so I ask you...When did I become my father?! I used to hate listening to talk radio. I hated the interactions between the hosts and the lack of music. I waited until an admirable amount of time before asking him to PLEASE switch to something with music! Well, my friends, the times they have a'changed. I'm chalking this change in my morning mentality up to a few things. In no particular order these are: my age, today's pop music, and familiarity. I don't like most of today's pop. I don't want to hear K-e-money sign-h-a "rap" to the beat.

I am a working drone. I drive to work. I drive home. I sit in traffic. I merge. In these monotonous times, the only thing right now that eases my pain is the comfort of knowing that along with me ride Costa, Skye, Ashley, Boston Rob, and Eddie. Oh how I love my "friends!" But if you tell my father that I actually like talk radio now, I'll have to disown you.

Any favorite morning shows to share? Don't be ashamed of your "friends" :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Happy Ending

You gotta love the Melbourne mates from down unda'. The precise amount of sarcasm and seriousness was used to get the point across that 30 seconds just is NOT enough time between parking and getting a parking ticket. Please read this hilarious letter to the DMV of the City of Melbourne from the aforementioned pissed off parker :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Changing of the Seasons

This morning I left a few minutes late (I really must work on that snooze alarm addiction) and cruised right into work on time. ON TIME! I thought it was because I missed the 8am rush to work, but after doing some more sleuthing I'm pretty sure it's because the schools out here are on Spring Break. (Side note: It's also Caesar Chavez day out here...East Coasters, say wha'?!) Conversely, this past weekend was the first weekend where people have started noticing traffic lined up to get to and from the beach. Yes, it's beautiful in San Diego almost 375 days out of the year. But there are definitely still seasons. To be honest, this past Sunday was the first time in a REALLY long time that I hit the beach, and oh how good it felt! So, I guess a big, fat "Thank you" should be sent out to the college gods for letting me get to work on time even after getting 15 more minutes of sleep. mmmmm..... And a big fat "crap" to the beach traffic. Luckily, I don't really go out on the weekends any more so an early morning wake up to get a parking spot on the coast is definitely a must do in my book! Happy Spring and safe driving, ya'll!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

15 Minutes of Fame

It is amazing to me how 10 minutes can make such a huge difference in rush hour driving time.

Usually I leave for work at 730a.m. to be at the office as close to 800a.m. as possible. Some days I'm a little late, some days I'm a little early. It usually just depends on the amount of traffic or any unforeseen WEATHER changes (you'd be surprised at the havoc rain can cause out here in SoCal).

This morning, we had a big All Hands meeting at 800a.m. so I left at 720a.m. A whopping 10 minutes earlier, and I'm at work in 15 minutes. Say wha'?!

I've heard that this is really only the case in bigger cities. (One of my mom's old coworkers lived in Illinois or Idaho or some other "I" state and said that he never understood when his underlings used traffic as an excuse to being late at work. I guess it was just never THAT BAD. But when he moved to D.C., oh how that point of view changed.)

Either way, here in San Diego, a 10 minute difference in departure time DOES equal a 15 minute difference in commute time. That's just crazy to me.

Do you know what I could be doing in those extra 15 minutes of my life?

1. Working out my abs x2.
2. Reading 2 chapters of my book.
3. Making and consuming an egg and cheese sandwich.
4. Bake a batch of chocolate cookies from the tube.
5. Paint my nails.
6. Straighten my hair.
7. Become FAMOUS!
Oh the list goes on and on.

You'd think that this would convince me to leave at 720a.m. every day, but, alas, you would be wrong. Yes, I am encouraged to try to leave that little bit earlier to save myself the hassle of sitting in on-ramp, lacking-in-zipper-abilities traffic. But, oh sleep, sleep how I adore thee. Knowing that I can sleep 10 minutes longer alone will make me sit in 15 more minutes of traffic. It's crazy how the mind of a chronic sleep-button-hitter works.

Give me some tunes, a good morning show, and a cup o' joe at the end of my drive and 15 minutes extra just doesn't seem that bad...

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Journey

When I was a teenager, my family rented a little red convertible while visiting my grandparents at their retirement community in Florida. One day, while taking a spin around the enclosed neighborhood, we passed a lovely old couple taking their daily jaunt. "Slow down!" was all that we heard as we "sped" by them at a whopping 15 MPH. Well, I must be turning into that little old lady with nothing better to do than to meddle because yesterday while Justin and I were driving up the coast to meet his sister for dinner at a beach-side camp, all I could think was "Slow down!"

All I want to do on Sundays, on my last day of freedom, is to take it back a few notches and RELAX. Justin I know is right there with me. He's constantly uttering things like, "well I guess THEY'RE in a hurry." But everyone else in Southern California seems to be in such a rush to get moving! What's...the deal...with that? Is it really necessary to go 85 MPH at all, let alone on one of the laziest days of the week?

Take some time to enjoy the scenery. The flowers are blooming, the sun is setting, the rag tops are down. There's really no reason that I can think of that people need to be going that fast. I know we live in an iPod, cell phone, rushrushrush society, and like my dad I must be a dinosaur when it comes to the newest "social" technology. But really, It's quite a shame to think that the kids of the newer generations are missing the point of a Sunday drive. The point, dear friends, is in the journey...

Monday, March 15, 2010

News Updates

There have been so many traffic/transportation stories in the news these days...from the Toyota trials to suicide reports (at least here in San Diego). Here are a few of our traffic stories for your reading pleasure.
To summarize: Beware of Toyota gas pedals, don't try to walk on freeways, and be careful where you leave your cars unattended. Above all: stay safe!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Driver ADD?

On my drive home from work on Friday a hilarious incident ensued. At least, I thought it was hilarious ;)

I was driving on a two-lane ramp to go from a five-lane freeway to another five-lane freeway. It's a very busy ramp and a very curvy one at that. Well, I was in the left-hand lane and I watched as this little sedan jumped from the left-hand lane in front of me to the right-hand lane, effectively cutting off the guy in the next lane for no apparent reason. (It wasn't rush hour; there was no reason to cut him off.) OK. Whatever. And then a minute later he did the same thing to me. No apparent reason yet again. Apparently he just has driver's ADD. The best part about the whole thing was that right there sitting in his back window was a bright white, shiny book called "The Bible." I just find it so ironic when it's the people who feel the need to announce that they're good Christians are the one's who are doing the dirty deeds. Nothing against the's the way people use it to forgive their rude behavior. As they say in Thailand, "Mai phen rai." Back to the road I go!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Motorcyclists Beware or Beware of Motorcyclists?

This is an interesting article regarding the electronic signs on our San Diego freeways. After a motorcyclist was hit last week (I couldn't find the news story at the time, but heard from an eye-witness that it was a bad crash), CalTrans decided to take a proactive approach to the situation. The problem is: are car drivers responsible for watching for motorcyclists who weave throughout traffic in between lanes, or is it illegal for motorcyclists to not follow the same laws of the road that car drivers do? Apparently there are mixed messages here in San Diego. What's your take?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ironic Plating

Some lady was blocking the merge lane on a 5-lane freeway on Friday. Why she refused to move over to let us merge onto the freeway was beyond me, but either way she sat in the right hand lane while our merge lane turned into an exit only lane. The best part of her she sped away off into the sunset we saw that her license plate read "Endear." Quality.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Inclement Weather? Nope. Just Rain.

Most of the East Coast is concerned about the huge snow storm headed their way. The grocery stores are empty. The generators are full. Plans are postponed. Crafts are planned. Well, out here on the West Coast we're expecting some serious storms as well. And for those of you who know how San Diegan's drive when there's a little rain will realize what that means where there's a lot of rain. Drivers beware! I've been advised that we may leave early today from work to avoid the dangerous driving conditions. Heck, if you want me to leave work early so I don't have to drive in the rain, well paint me red and call me Rhonda. I'm made out of sugar just like the next girl, but I'd never expect to get out of work early to avoid rain. I guess, for West Coasters, a good ol' fashioned thunderstorm is just like the East Coaster's Nor'Easter. If this is the worst weather we get than I'm finally home.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beauty is in the Eye. Literally.

I'm a woman. I wear makeup. I have occasionally put lipstick or concealer on in the car while at a stop light. I'll admit that. I've eaten a burger behind the wheel. I've tied my shoes at stop lights. I've even texted, yes, texted on the freeway.

HOWEVER, I stop at the line with applying full-fledged makeup. This woman this morning was jerking around and having a hard time merging with us. It took me a while to figure it out, but in the passenger-side mirror I finally saw what the problem was: she was trying to apply her makeup while merging.

Come on, people. Haven't you heard the statistics about how many people die or are injured each year because of texting? Don't you think that putting MAKEUP on while driving is even WORSE? At least while you're texting you can look up at the road (assuming you know where every letter on your keyboard is by heart). But have you ever seen a woman put makeup on at HOME? How about we add to that your 12yo daughter in the passenger seat and a moving SUV? Let's add this up:

-1 point: You're staring into the small, poorly lit mirror hanging from the ceiling of your car's hood.
-1 point: You're leaning your head backwards to get full advantage of your lashes...a feat in and of itself.
-1 point: You're SUV is merging with other cars from two lanes into one, and then onto a freeway.
-2 points: You're using a tiny wand-like instrument to apply black goop near your very sensitive eye area.

She's practically driving blind. And she's doing it in front of her 12yo daughter, which is essentially teaching her that it's a good idea to apply makeup while behind the wheel of a moving 2-ton vehicle. That sounds like a good way to set an example, doesn't it? Teach the next generation how to drive while texting, eating, putting makeup on. Hell, whey not add the fax machine and the computer in the driver's lap, too, while we're at it?

Oh God. I just realized. I'm becoming my father!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Car Maintenance Bar Schmaintenance

This whole car maintenance thing is really all very new to me, and I have to say, I sincerely, absolutely despise it. I'd much rather return in time to a few years ago when I was naive about it all. Being an adult is so over-rated.

My parents gave me my Jetta as a hand-me-down for my graduation, which means I had no car payments (still don't, thank the lord). It had very few problems, and the ones it did, I just ignored. And until about a year or two ago, they even paid for my insurance. Blessed, I know.

Well, no more, ladies and gents. Now, I am the PROUD owner of a 2002 Jetta with TONS of character.

To bring you up to speed, I've had a "check engine" light on since last September. Really not a big deal in my eyes. But I guess to California, they think this needs to be remedied before I can re-register my car. Boo on you, Cali. Frankly, I'm right there with Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

Beverly: Your Check Engine light is on.
Penny: Yeah, I gotta put a sticker over that.

My sentiments exactly, Penny.

So, now here's the deal. I have to get that eye-sore of a check engine light checked out by Feb 12th and get my car smogged in order to get re-registered. As the old credit card commercial goes:

$98 for diagnostics
$1050+ to fix it
$30 for a smog check
$109 to re-register

Being Broke in one of the most expensive states in the union? Priceless.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Man in the Mercedes on Tuesday, Jan 26 on I5South

Just because you drive a Mercedes, doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. Blinkers are necessary when changing lanes. Cutting people off is not acceptable. Being a jerk in general (though may be genetic, Mr. Mercedes Man) is not an excuse. Get it together.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Moving Road Block

OK, so it's still raining out here in San Diego. Not like spitting rain where your hair gets frizzed. This is torrential downpour with 50MPH gusts of wind. Nothing new to the East Coast, but this is crazy talk out here! We've talked about this before, but with the rain comes even MORE difficult driving. Today, I just have one thing to say (and this goes for driving whether there's rain, sleet, snow, or sun):

If you don't want to let me into your lane BEFORE you, you can at LEAST let me in the lane behind you.

I was trying to change lanes today to move around the slower traffic (uber slow with the weather), and this white Honda sped up so I couldn't get in front of him. OK, fine. I get it. You don't want anyone having what you have. But then, THEN, he just sat there in the lane next to me. With my blinker on and everything. Waiting for...what? No effing clue. But because he refused to move forward, I couldn't get over. I mean, come on, Honda. Get your butt in gear. You can't just sit in the lane next to me for no reason. And while we're at it, you shouldn't be driving a white Honda!

Just saying.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From the Weather Guy


Cats and Dogs

It's raining like cats and dogs out here in sunny San Diego. I really have no idea what that phrase means, but for all intents and purposes, it's raining like whoa. We only get about 1-2 weeks worth of rain, which sounds fabulous (and it is, don't get me wrong). However, the lack of rain means a lack in the color green as well as water rationing, tickets for watering your lawn on off days, and judgement for taking showers that last longer than 5 minutes. Coming from a place where it rains almost every week throughout the year (I'm looking at you, Maryland), it's bizarre to now be in a place where we NEVER get enough water.

Of course, with the rain must come a little note about the traffic. That is, after all, what this blog is all about. And, oh boy, do San Diegans need some lessons in rainy driving.

Lesson 1: Don't slam on your breaks. You WILL hydroplane. I had to learn that the hard way when I was 16, but at least I learned that lesson. San Diegans, you too will learn this lesson albeit a bit later in life.

Lesson 2: Don't drive 30MPH on the freeway. Of course, going your usual 80MPH isn't going to be safe either. However, if you don't feel comfortable driving a normal speed while it's raining, STAY OFF THE ROADS.

Lesson 3: Turn on your headlights. This really should go without saying, but there are so many people here who still don't use them. When your windshield wipers go on, so should your lights.

Lesson 4: USE YOUR BLINKER. Really, you should be using this all the time, but it's even more important when it's raining. Slamming on the breaks when you're going 60MPH on a side road without using your headlights nor your blinker will ensure that you get into an accident.

Please remember, San's just water.

Drive safely!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year, New Resolutions

Oh the blessings of another new year. I'm usually adverse to resolutions, but this year I'm wondering if maybe a driving-related one is necessary. I'm thinking something along the lines of "Be more patient while commuting" or "Carpool more often." Anyone have any good driving-related resolutions (or general ones that may relate to driving, aka patience)?

Also, I've been focusing a bit more on biking rather than driving, these days. I'm training for a 60-mile bike ride this spring. I'd like to put a formal request for submissions for guest bloggers on here. Please leave a comment on this post if you're interested in writing a guest blog. I'd love to hear how the traffic is, say, in L.A. or Texas :)

Safe travels!